CERN openlab is pleased to announce that all project reports are now available on this website. The reports cover work carried out through 25 R&D projects — undertaken in collaboration with 11 different technology companies and 7 different research organisations — in 2019.
Projects cover topics such as data-centre technologies and infrastructures, computing performance and software, machine learning and data analytics, and quantum technologies.
There are also five projects that are being carried out in collaboration with communities beyond particle physics, with a view to sharing technologies and expertise with fields that face similar ICT challenges. Four of these are being carried out in the context of CERN's strategy for knowledge transfer to medical applications, which is led by CERN's Knowledge Transfer group.
The 25 projects carried out in 2019 is a new record for CERN openlab, up from 17 in 2018. The reports on each of the individual projects will also be published in the CERN openlab annual report later this year.
“2019 was a fantastic year for our collaboration,” says Alberto Di Meglio, head of CERN openlab. “The depth of the projects, as well as the breadth, is really striking. Some projects have already had a strong impact on the laboratory, while others have revealed interesting new directions for future investigation. I encourage you to find out more by browsing the full set of project reports on our website.”