You are a researcher and member of MCAA? You need access to cloud services for your research? Apply here to get a ~ 500€ worth of cloud resources.
CERN openlab, the public-private partnership through which CERN collaborates with leading ICT companies and other research organisations, the European H2020 project “OCRE - Open Clouds for Research Environments”,and MCAA are collaborating to offer vouchers, free at the point of use, to MCAA researchers.
Successful candidates will be able to choose between two European cloud platforms: CloudSigma and Exoscale. Each voucher gives access to all services available in the providers catalogues:
- CloudSigma services catalogue: https://tinyurl.com/rm98mq4
- Exoscale service catalogue: https://community.exoscale.com/documentation/
Successful candidates will have the possibility to choose the provider of their choice, only if both types of voucher are still available.
Access to cloud services
Each selected candidate will be notified and receive instructions on how to access the services. Upon exhaustion of the first voucher, an additional voucher will be available, provided that a feedback form is completed by the researcher.
Selection requirements
The applicant must be a researcher member of the Marie Curie Alumni Association. The vouchers will be delivered on a first-serve, first-based approach.This call is open until all vouchers available are distributed.
Should you have questions or need further information, please contact the following persons:
- Marion Devouassoux (marion.devouassoux@cern.ch)
- Silvana Munzi (silvana.munzi@gmail.com)