CERN openlab is teaming up with the OCRE project to support its survey about the use of commercial cloud resources by the research community. OCRE — the ‘Open Clouds for Research Environments’ project — is funded by the European Commission, in support of its vision for a European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).
OCRE is a collaboration between the GÉANT, CERN, RHEA Group, and Trust-IT Services. It is working to stimulate the uptake of commercial digital services by the European research community. To this end, the project has launched a survey aimed at better understanding researchers’ use of commercial clouds, as well as their willingness to participate in testing cloud services — through the receipt of cloud ‘credits’ (free to the participating researchers).
The survey will take only 5-10 minutes to complete. The OCRE project team is looking for as wide a range of range of respondents as possible, covering a diverse range of research disciplines, geographical locations, and career paths and stages. The deadline for responding is the end of this month.
Please find the survey here. One lucky winner — a survey respondent selected at random — will receive a bag of CERN openlab-themed goodies (including a reusable water bottle, a t-shirt, a mug, a USB charger, stickers, and more).