CERN openlab is a unique public-private partnership, through which CERN collaborates with leading ICT companies and other research organisations. Together we work to accelerate the development of cutting-edge ICT solutions for the research community.
Upcoming events
We currently have no upcoming events. However, we plan to post more shortly — be sure to check out our website again very soon!
You can also see our upcoming and past events in our calendar.
A word from the Director-General
Since its foundation in 2001, CERN openlab has been working to help accelerate the development of cutting-edge computing technologies. Such technologies play a vital role in particle physics,
as well as in many other research fields and domains of society, helping scientists to continue pushing back the frontiers of knowledge.Fabiola Giannoti, CERN Director-General
Read the full CERN openlab annual report 2020.