On Friday 19 November, the BioDynaMo project will host a full-day workshop on agent-based modelling. Earlier this year, the project released the first version of its software platform for designing, running and visualising 3D agent-based simulations. Agent-based simulation is central to a wide range of research fields, from biology to business and epidemiology to economics.
Built on top of the latest computing technologies, the BioDynaMo platform enables users to perform simulations of previously unachievable scale and complexity, making it possible to tackle challenging scientific research questions. BioDynaMo’s agent-based modelling engine has been optimised for simulations involving billions of agents. In addition to biological simulations, BioDynaMo is already being used today for COVID-19 epidemiological simulations and large socio-economic simulations are under development.
The workshop on Friday 19 November is free and will take place online. The event, which is open to all, will feature talks related to a wide range of scientific fields. There will be opportunities to discuss how agent-based modelling approaches can play a vital role in driving innovative research in each of these fields.
The BioDynaMo platform has been developed through an ambitious international project, involving seven institutions: CERN, University of Surrey, Newcastle University, GSI Helmholtz Center, University of Cyprus, University of Geneva, ImmunoBrain Checkpoint and SCImPULSE Foundation. Representatives of several of these research centres — as well as others — will participate in the workshop. Sign up for the event by noon CET on Thursday 18th November.
Full workshop details and sign-up form: https://indico.cern.ch/e/BDM-ABM.
More information on the BioDynaMo project: https://biodynamo.org/.
-- Andrew Purcell